Saturday, December 2, 2017

Signs, Signs Everywhere A Sign

Been thinking lately about all the signs we seem to miss in our relationships that if heeded would serve to clue us in that perhaps we need to get the hell outta Dodge.  If any of the following helps just one person, then I guess the rest of you still aren't paying close enough attention!

Signs you are in the wrong relationship:

1. You are told by more than one person, on more than one occasion what a saint you must be.

2.  You notice your friends not particularly interested in doing anything in which your spouse will be in attendance.

3.  The only way to stop a fight or an argument is to apologize for something you neither did nor said.

4.  You seem to be the only one who ever says I'm sorry even though you didn't do or say anything to be sorry for.

5.  You wonder just what the hell you did to yourself marrying this person.

6.  You can easily see how they benefit from this relationship but you're hard pressed to see how you do.

7.  You'd rather spend quality time with your dog.  In fact, you realize that time spent with your dog is quality.

8.  You are apologizing to neighbors for the other's behavior.

9.  The phrase "not on your meds" rings more and more true

10.  Where once you dreamed about spending the rest of your life with this person, you now dream of an escape no matter how short or fleeting.

11.  When you can leave the house by yourself, you take your sweet little time taking care of the errands and many times take the long way to get there.

12.  You dread the night time.

13.  You fantasize about the other having an affair and not in a bad way.

14.  You see a near miss in a crosswalk or parking lot and say a silent "damn, almost".

15.  You measure your trunk and think about how much of your important stuff you could cram in there before leaving.

16.  You look at new cars concentrating on trunk space.

17.  When out in public, you try and pretend you don't know the other one.

18.  Family gatherings usually serve to just knot your stomach up.

19.  Friends and family ask sincerely how do you put up with it.

20.  A little later, they ask why do you put up with it.

21.  You start Googling Divorce Attorneys

22.  The concept of sole and separate takes on a whole new meaning

23.  The idea of being cheated on is one you welcome

24.  Total strangers witness the others behavior and express their heartfelt wish for you to have a nice day.

25.  You think you may have chosen the wrong time to give up drinking. 

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