Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

Every lie you tell, is another brick on your road to hell.

I think that's a Salty original but perhaps not.

So why are my thoughts swirling around lies, falsehoods, half truths, prevarications, fabrications, fibs, untruths, deception and dishonesty?  Seems to me it's because sooner or later that's what a divorce devolves down to.  And I've been the recipient of a few of these lately.

Most of them involve Scarlett and her piss poor ability to intelligently manage money.  That has been a central failing of hers for all the years we've been married so nothing really new under the sun there.  What I know, or can reasonably and logically deduce, given what I do in fact know and what I strongly suspect, when asked, she denies vehemently.  I am reminded of a line from Shakespeare's play Hamlet: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

I therefore believe that my suspicions are correct and that Scarlett has indeed been quite foolish and carefree with the money that she unilaterally entrusted to herself after spiriting it away from a joint account.  I am well aware that I am not the first poor slob to suffer thusly but others afflictions do little to relieve my own.

Anyway, it's not so much her inability to wisely manage assets that concerns me but rather the long term lingering effect that this will have on her.  Well, more to the point, the effect it may have on moi when the (almost) inevitable conversation occurs in which she pleads for mercy because she was-

Not in her right mind
Suffering from a genetic disposition related to half her ancestry
Suffering from another genetic disposition related to the other half of her ancestry
Not paying attention
Not looking ahead

And I know that the first of many of these conversations will shortly be taking place during an upcoming mediation meeting.  I suppose my only solace here is the knowledge that I have done nothing to exacerbate her current situation and that Scarlett seems to be thinking very seriously about a long distance move.  A move that would have many benefits not only for her but for myself as well.

Her funds would go further, she would be considerably closer to those she places a high value on at this time in her life, there are some companionship prospects there as well.  I would regain Tara without the fear of her showing up unannounced (or even announced) and trying to create chaos and havoc.  Salty dog and I could begin the process of recreating Tara to more closely resemble Salty Manor and just knowing that she was far, far away would do wonders for restful sleep.

As usual however in matters concerning Scarlett, this too may change.

The other aspect of her lies and deception really center on her penchant for hypocrisy.  Without delving into the details I'll just say that it revolves around some well known and well worn subjects -

Moral codes

And I'll leave it at that.  For now.

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