Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Another week

Another week gone and an unknown number to go.  At least with the partial radio silence that Scarlett and I are on, the days have been quieter and far more productive.  That's not to say that we haven't communicated but it is entirely via email now.

We have a mandatory settlement meeting coming up in a little over 2 weeks time.  My gut feeling is that it will end up similar to the two previous times we tried this, with Scarlett acting out, acting outraged, behaving like an unruly 3 year old, calling me and my attorney names all the while not listening to hers to be quiet, simmer down, take it easy etc.

On the bright side though, and what gives me a little ray of hope, is a new counselor Scarlett found the other day.  Not your typical one, this outfit deals with their clients strictly online or over the phone.  Whether it be by texting or a chat room of some type I really have no idea.  But the organization bills themselves as Counselors with a Biblical perspective.  Otherwise known as "Christian Counselors".

That is something Scarlett has been searching for and for her sake I hope it will do her a world of good.  Of course a lot of that depends on how open and honest she is concerning her past and present behavior.  I'm sure I've mentioned this before, I know I have to Scarlett on other occasions under different circumstances but it still applies - If you're going to ask someone for help, whether a doctor, dentist, plumber, mechanic whatever, you don't do yourself any favors by lying, stretching the truth or trying to hide the truth.

Sadly I've known Scarlett long enough to know that when it comes to telling the truth, especially about herself, she's not always forthcoming.  Casting blame and making excuses chews up a lot of her time.  Which is not to say I have not done the same at times, I believe we all have, but the difference is in the frequency.

Haven't seen Salty Dog in about week now and not sure when I will at this point.  The pleas to come walk and feed him or to come over and play with him have stopped.  I've dropped a few not so subtle hints that I miss him and hope he is well, and the only response I've so far received is that she is sure he misses me as well.  I can't say she that she's holding him hostage as she's been known to do in the past, but it's pretty close.

But since that's about the only hold she has left on me, I'm just not too eager to make a big deal out of it.  You don't want to show the opposition your weakness! 

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