Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Back in the Fog

Came back to the Fog today for what I pray is a very short visit.  Scarlett was there as was Mole.  Have not unpacked a thing as it is my fervent prayer that Scarlett tires of this facade and orders me, for time #3 away from Tara and then I may return to my former campsite.  To accomplish this task in the shortest amount of time possible I would need to either contact my father to bring his trusty white steed or perhaps Hinges and her black stallion.  Though either option would not be looked upon kindly by Miss Scarlett.

Tomorrow I meet with the Shah to inform him of my move and 2 days hence from that, a mutual meeting with Irving.  Irving truly makes your standard issue box of rocks look absolutely brilliant.

Poor Scarlett is just beside herself seeing that I have yet to unpack any of my belongings.  Oh dear, what is a PD person to do?  No rants or rages yet.  But I know they are there.


  1. Oh goodie. this quite fun. So how is it going over there? You seemed quite cranky when I saw you. Are you being more sunny?

  2. Of course I was cranky. First night at Tara for quite the number of months. Still have some items at the campsite but for the time being I believe I will leave them there. And perhaps take back some of what I brought.

  3. Yeah I get it. I told her that. It's no different than any moving day and I told her to boot that it was HER fault he is having to do it TWICE. So I told her I'd be crabby, too. And also because of the past, you are probably waiting for the next horrible fight.
    FYI, she said she is remaining calm and not trying to pick fights, so it may be longer before she blows.
    One more question...can anyone that logs onto this blog read everyone's comments? If so, I will try and behave. But let me know so I don't spit and cuss.

  4. Anyone can, but the only people who intentionally will be logging in are Hinges, my sister and her betrothed as well as the two people responsible for me being here in the first place. Oh and maybe Vern.

  5. Okay. I will behave. So how is it all going then? Are we getting along? You are probably pooped tonight, but let me know how tomorrow goes etc.
    From what she told me, she isn't trying to peeve you or get you to say you are sorry anymore, so she may last for a while. She did tell me yesterday, that is you keep acting the way you have been, she will dump you. I don't think you should deliberately act like an ass unless that is now the real you. And at least you are back in your house and can eat your plums!

  6. Haha. So today I have to mess with a paralegal to try and put that deed into my new trust, go to Von's and chiro, SO I may be not-moling for a while.
    Keep me posted on today's events and I will peek at blog when I get home.
