Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Epilogue (of sorts)

The fog pretty much lifted on March 5th, though I wasn't aware of it until 3 days later when I received word from a very good attorney of mine.  Since that fateful day, now a tad over 2 weeks, I've been busy trying to disentangle what remains of the ties that bind.

That is a long process.  Not difficult, but time consuming.  And of course Scarlett has been a lot of help, right there to lend a hand, ready to put aside petty concerns, ready and willing to assume her independence, a real trooper, listening closely as I explain the process, paying attention, trying to figure things out on her own, taking responsibility for herself and her actions, thinking ahead to the future, planning for her future, oh, who am I kidding?  Scarlett remains the woman I am now especially proud to call X.

It is one of those things, that when it's all said and done, you sit back and wonder why didn't I do this earlier?

And for now I'll leave it at that.


  1. Haha. Right on and funny. Loved the crossed out part as usual. So funny.

  2. LOL. He does have a way with (crossing out) words. LOL.
