Thursday, February 15, 2018

Tunnels And Lights

I believe my sojourn in the land of dysfunction is nearing its end.  As always with a few caveats.

Scarlett and I, with our respective legal beagles, all met this past Tuesday to continue the mediation we had begun back in January.  As a quick recap, we'd left that meeting mostly in agreement somewhat in agreement agreeing to meet again and my promising to take the blame for everything wrong in her life fund the remainder of her life stay out of her life try and tighten up what she could reasonably expect as monthly income.

As usual, there were a number of twists and turns from that meeting to the one on Tuesday.  My side had put on the table an offer of a lump sum alimony payment.  Initially, Scarlett was not too inclined to accept this.  Then she was.  Then she wasn't.  Then, yeah, that sounded like a good idea.  Oh wait, not so much.  I wasn't sure where we stood come Tuesday.  But, that's a position I've gotten real used to occupying over the past few decades...

This will sound like a slam on Scarlett though I truly don't mean it as such.  Over the years she has driven me up countless walls with her innate ability to misconstrue, misunderstand, not see the point entirely and generally act like the village idiot when the subject turns to finances.  Sadly for her (and her poor attorney) that's what 98% of a divorce is about.  And when you don't understand 98% of a subject you're like the guy showing up to a gunfight with a knife.

Well, she was well armed with her knives.  And Kleenex.  Which reminds me I need to do some due diligence on Kimberly Clarke.  At the rate Scarlett goes through Kleenex she could keep that company profitable for years.  But I digress.

Her knives did her no good.  The Kleenex on the other hand I must admit did.  We were in separate rooms but I could hear the crying, wailing and sobbing.  Even though I pretty much knew it was likely an act to garner sympathy I still fell for it.  A little bit.  She wanted a little more $$ for various things and thankfully my attorney and I had built in some slop in the initial offer made to her.  So I had room to play with.

Without going into all the gory details, at the end of this Scarlett was in good spirits.  Her attorney did me a huge favor, which I believe he did with full intent and purpose. She'd asked him how does Salty look towards the end of these negotiations.  He responded that he (I) did not look too happy.  Nothing could have been further from the truth and he knew that.  Thankfully he also knew Scarlett.  Knew what she wanted to hear.  And she was floating on air.  She "got" that SOB.  She was the one who came out on top.  She showed Salty who was boss, who was the top negotiator.  Yep, she got me good.

And that is a thought I will happily allow her to take to her grave.

So where does all this stand now?

Preliminary documents have been signed and are on their way to a judge for his/her blessing.  Then there will be an exchange of property and additional documents between Scarlett and I.  Scarlett has already started the process to acquire a condo she's had her eye on.  Furniture and furnishings need to be divided up. A trust needs to be killed, assets retitled, etc.  etc.  As the saying goes, it's not done until the paperwork is complete.

This isn't done yet but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and I don't believe it's an oncoming train.


  1. Not a train, it’s a ray of sunshine. 🌞

  2. Damn old kid sounds like you might have a chance to see day light sooner than you expected. Make sure to put your dark glasses on, no not the rose colored ones, the ones which will protect your eyes from all the day light. Considering how long you've been wandering in the fog. Oh and make sure you have enough ink on hand for all the paper signing you'll be doing. It's ok to look like a nerd with pens and a pocket protector at this time. "grins"
