Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Good neighbors

Spoke with my attorney today and found out that three weeks ago Scarlett had contacted hers with a question about dismissing the case.  Dismissing?  Told mine that was the last thing I'd expected to hear but regardless, I have absolutely no interest in doing that.  Also was advised that when this thing heats up again that I would be far better off not staying in the house with Scarlett.

Early on in this she made some accusations about some alleged "abuse" she had suffered at my hands for which she had "medical proof".  To this day I have no idea what she was talking about.  But given that she has a history of making these accusations, it would behoove me to be long gone.  Otherwise, she could make a claim of abuse or domestic violence against me which becomes a he-said-she-said case and since the courts highly favor the woman in this.....I also discovered in this conversation that, at least in California, verbal abuse is considered domestic abuse.

And to think, I was able to go some 50+ years never needing to know any of this.  Never had a need for a urologist, neurologist or psychologist either in all those years.  Until recently.  Hmmmm.

Spoke with Mole today and heard that another neighbor is in my corner on this.  Scarlett had gone over to this persons house for one reason or another and apparently while there decided to engage in some Salty bashing.  Complained that I would not forgive her, she was 100% correct in all she did, Salty is an ass blah blah blah, usual stuff.  Sadly though for Scarlett, this neighbor knew the story, knew the timeline and sequence of events and pointed these out to dear Miss Scarlett.  Eventually, Scarlet huffed away.

Odd that Scarlett didn't tell me about this meeting since it happened this morning....

Dismiss the case?  Sometimes I wonder if Scarlett makes any sense to herself.

Other than that a rather quiet day here at Fog Beach.  But there's still the evening!


  1. OH OH OH!!!!! I just had a wonderful idea. I could come over, beat you in your sleep with a frying pan and then you could claim spouse abuse and have the injuries to prove it. :)

  2. Better make it a wooden spoon. Scarlett can't lift a frying pan =) Glad to know I have friends like you in my life willing to do these things!

  3. Atta boy, Salty. Don't dismiss beans. I had never heard the allegations that you beat her. Did you know anything else about it? What she said you did? BTW, NO one would blame you if you had. Just saying....
