Thursday, July 6, 2017

Surgery Update #2

The patient is in recovery and doing well I am told.  No major surprises or upsets during the procedure.  He will be in recovery until ~ 6:30-7:00 tonight.

Nothing else of note to report really.  Have noticed that the ease with which I used to keep a journal while at the campsite is demonstrably more difficult here.  Same with notes for use at my meeting with the Shah and Irving.

My furry four legged buddy had more x-rays today on his knee to see if it was in fact stable.  Vet gave him a clean bill of health though recommended more exercise and fewer snacks.  Sounds a lot like my vet!


  1. I am glad your dad is doing well. I assume you will be taking them home after it's over? Hope you are doing well. Are you going to tell Scarlett after it's all over?
    She brought up again the other day that your dad hates her. I think (tho it is deserved) that it really bothers her. I am sure she is reliving some of the things that caused that to happen and can't fix it. I think she thought that letter she wrote him and forgave him would change things. He probably thought forgave me for WHAT? Anyway tell your folks hi and glad nobody's dead!

  2. Oh, so sorry he had to have another surgery. But sounds okay now. He will probably feel a lot better with the arteries all clean and spiffy.
    I REALLY want to know about the "talk." I inadvertently called in the middle of it. Shudder.
