Thursday, August 3, 2017

Who am I - part II

52. I like Bond, James Bond movies
53. War movies - Revolution, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam
54. I do not trust the media
55. I do not trust politicians
56. I do not trust our courts
57. I have trust issues
58. I believe people should be allowed to smoke anywhere
59. I do not smoke
60. Zero Tolerance laws are transparent and ultimately futile attempts at social engineering  
61. Atlas Shrugged should be required reading
62. Animal Farm as well
63. Brave New World and 1984 should be on your list
64. The Road to Serfdom explains a lot
65. I am not a Keynesian
66. I believe economists are latter day witch doctors only not as educated
67. Rich people are not the problem
68. Ignorant ones are
69. Boysenberry or strawberry are the only two jam choices I require
70. Shat's bakery puts all the others to shame
71. I majored in finance
72. I worked as an accountant
73. Now I manage portfolios
74. Is that a full circle or just a late start?
75. I love dogs
76. I will tolerate cats if I have to
77. But dogs rule
78. I enjoy steel grey skys
79. I look forward to foggy days
80. I enjoy listening to rain 
81. I wish someone would invent a time machine  
82. I'd only use it in reverse
83. Thrifty's ice cream is the best store bought ice cream out there
84. If you don't know what a Santa Maria BBQ is you need to find out
85. I've been to Ireland
86. I would go back
87. With different company
88. I've never been on an active duty submarine
89. Had a chance but Polaris missiles were replacing Regulas at the time
90. Apparently the Navy thought a 10 year old boy was a security risk
91. I have taken the road to Hana
92. I do not need to do that again
93. I have para-sailed
94. Another thing I do not need to do again
95. I saw Star Wars when it first came out
96. And six times thereafter    
97. I don't know why
98. I married a lunatic
99. I am trying to correct that mistake
100. I believe in the power of prayer and appreciate all those said in my behalf         


  1. I like who you are. But, I do remember when you bawled two people out for smoking!!!=)

  2. You are also a Rebel, damn good guy, dear friend, brother, ect ect ect,
