Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Gone Dark

This morning I was greeted with 23 separate texts from Scarlett running the gamut between my mental state, her "Christianity", what medications I am or am not on and more or less ending with some veiled threat concerning an eventual settlement and court.  I responded to 6 of those texts as well as ignoring one phone call from her in the midst of her text storm.

Shortly after that fun had died down, I received an email from my attorney telling me he had just spoken to Scarlett's attorney and that she was complaining about me trying to contact her by text, phone and email and she wanted to pursue a restraining order.

My attorney suspected that much, most, if not all of what he'd heard was probably hyperbole but that it would still be in my best interests to just "go dark".  Which sounded like an excellent idea to me.

So I have blocked both of her numbers as well as her email address (which I own and control anyway) from my phone and email.  The silence that has ensued is truly golden, with the added benefit that, knowing Scarlett, she is probably now climbing the walls and jumping out of her skin because I am ignoring her.  That is one thing the Cluster B's just will not tolerate.  Being ignored.

They need their drama, their chaos and conflict.  And they need someone else to supply the raw material for that drama, chaos and conflict.  Sorry Scarlett.  I've grown tired of the game.  The lies.  The hypocrisy.  The 180 degree turns.  I am done.  Finished.  Through.

I was advised to do all of this shortly after this divorce proceeding started.  I didn't feel then that it was a good idea.  Funny how someone twisting reality and making it sound like they've been the innocent victim in all the drama they themselves have created can change your mind.

Good luck Scarlett.  I await your psychotic break with eager anticipation.


  1. She has lost control and is starting to get desperate because you are no longer willing to play her game. She figures the mention of restraining orders, even through the lawyers, is another attempt at regaining control over you. You have an ace on the hole even though you have gone dark where she is concerned. You are still able to have a pretty good idea as to what she is doing. And she has no idea what you are doing. Karma is starting to come full circle where she is concerned. You reap what you sow in other words, and Scarlett's garden of hemlock is in full bloom. Hold steady and stay radio silent/gone dark and be prepared for her house of cards to collapse. It's only going to get more insane from here on. Buckle up and stay safe my friend. Oh and be prepared for anything this ride isn't over yet. It's just getting started.

  2. More insane? Then it's already been??? =) I'd like to say (and believe) that that just isn't possible. But I know who and what I'm dealing with. Sigh. The good thing here is that all the stunts she's pulling aren't doing anything but reducing her credibility even further. With her attorney, my attorney, me and the neighbors. Though she didn't really have any as concerns my attorney and myself. You know that I've spent most of the past 19 months trying to look out for her best interests. Trying to prevent her from shooting herself in the foot. But she is hell bent for leather to screw herself over 6 ways to Sunday. I guess when you see a trainwreck about to happen it's best to just step out of the way and let nature, physics and momentum take their predetermined course. Whether that's over a cliff or smack into some immovable object. Or both. I tried. But I am done trying. My conscience is clear, my intentions were honorable, my motivation pure. The aftermath should be a sight to behold!
