Sunday, December 10, 2017

While I was in the bathtub

So, Scarlett is still seeing Irving on Saturdays and I am still paying for each of those sessions.  That's fine, I agreed to that so not a problem.  But Scarlett had some other plans yesterday which conflicted with that appointment.

But, a little while ago I got an alert that a charge had been run through for that session.  So I sent Scarlett an email asking her if she had seen Irving yesterday or if the charge I was seeing was for a missed appointment.

Her response?  "While I was in the bathtub."

Huh?  Maybe it's just me but I didn't see the correlation between that answer and the original question.  So, wanting some additional clarification on the matter I responded with

"While you were in the bathtub?  What the hell does that have to do with whether you saw Irving yesterday or if I'm seeing a charge for a missed appointment?"

Her response?  "I was bathing". of us is really losing it here and I suspect it's not me.  So in order to try and make some sense out of this I responded with

"That's what most people do in the bathtub but I fail to see how that answers my question".


Now things are making a little more sense.  Not much but a little.  So I respond with the following -

"So, you had a phone appointment with Irving yesterday while you were in the bathtub bathing?  Correct?"

Time passes.  Minutes go by.  Then my phone rings.  Scarlett.  I pick up the phone and say hello.

Why are yelling at me?

Uh, I wasn't yelling at you.  You were the one who went all CAPS on me which is the written equivalent of yelling.

Well I was mad!  Yes, I had a phone appointment with him yesterday.

In the bathtub?

I forgot.  I'm forgetting a lot of things lately.

You forgot you had an appointment with him yesterday?

Yes.  He called while I was in the bathtub and I asked if we could have a phone appointment because I wasn't going to be able to make it there.

So....he called you because you were late and he wanted to see if you were going to make it?


But....You just got done screaming at me in an email that you'd told me it was a phone appointment.  As though it was set up beforehand and you had let me know.  Now how could you have done that when it was his call to you to see if you were going to make it to the appointment that set up the phone appointment to begin with?

I don't know.  I forgot.  I told you I'm forgetting a lot of things lately.

Uh, you have the capability with your smart phone to make notes, set alerts that kind of thing.  I know because I can even do that on my dumb phone.

Yeah.  I know.  But I haven't done it yet.  Don't know how.  I just have a lot going on right now.

And shortly after that the call was ended.

Sometimes, some days, I am just at a loss for words to truly describe what life with Scarlett was like.

Confusing and disorienting do a fairly good job of it though.

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