Tuesday, March 20, 2018

On This Day In History

March 5th:

1624 - In the American colony of Virginia, the upper class was exempted from whipping by legislation.

1770 - "The Boston Massacre" took place when British troops fired on a crowd in Boston killing five people. Two British troops were later convicted of manslaughter. 

1845 - The U.S. Congress appropriated $30,000 to ship camels to the western U.S. 

1872 - George Westinghouse patented the air brake. 

1933 - The Nazi Party won 44 percent of the vote in German parliamentary elections. 

1946 - Winston Churchill delivered his "Iron Curtain Speech". 

1960 - Elvis Presley was honorably discharged from the Army. 

And closely related to each of these events, Salty received his divorce from Scarlett.

So what do the above historical events have to do with this?  Well, the way I see it, I: 

- am now exempt from whipping 
- have been involved in a massacre (financially speaking)
- know someone for whom $30,000 worth of camels is right up her line of thinking
- applied an air brake to what had become a runaway train
- have assumed power and control over my destiny (the Third Reich notwithstanding)
- am installing my own Iron Curtain against Scarlett
- was honorably discharged from an intolerable situation

As Mark Twain is rumored to have said, History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. 

How true.

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