Saturday, July 8, 2017

Saturday's are always fun...

Usual Saturday meeting with Irving today.  He was made aware of my reappearance at Tara as well as Scarlett's ranting meltdown hardly 24 hours later.  His take?  We have different "cadences" - Scarlett wants everything now and I prefer to actually think and contemplate before making a move.  No big insight there.  Because I am usually under the gun on getting these posts out, I am going to skip ahead to the good parts and fill in as time allows.

Irving, who I have called out on his bias many times before did not disappoint today either.  At times I feel as though I'm playing a rigged game in that room and I am the sucker.  Needless to say, that is not a good feeling.  What brings that up, somewhat like a cat and a hairball, was a number of his statements today.  He is again an "advocate" for this marriage which still makes no sense to me.  A marriage does not exist separate and unto itself.  How can you advocate for something that is non existent?  The people who make the marriage exist and therefore one or the other can be advocated for but not this concept called marriage.  At least in my non PhD opinion.

I also told him that I had really hoped for a referee that was objective and did not have an agenda.  Irving was confused by that statement.  So I defined "referee", "objective" and "agenda" for him.  A referee does not care who wins or loses, he is objective and therefore has no agenda favoring one side over the other and is there to make sure the rules of the game are followed and adhered to by all players.  Sadly his explanation as to how he was in fact a referee left me wanting.  Towards the end of this fun, Irving wanted to know how I saw this "moving forward".  My response was that I was unconvinced that it would move forward but that at the end of this, whatever that look likes, I hoped that Scarlett would be happy and have a life to look forward to as well as myself.  Apparently, according to Irving, if you are seeking happiness, don't get married.  Seriously.

And what he meant by that is in marriage, you grow and become more mature and through this growth you find happiness.  Which explains a lot vis-a-vis Scarlett....However he also said that one of the ground rules here was no "exit talk".  Huh?  So this is a one way street?  No way.  A one way ticket? No f***ing way!  There is more than one possible outcome to all of this, and he knows that.  Or at least would if he were objective, unbiased and did not have an agenda.  Who said that?  Oh yeah, I did.

So the lesson for today?  When given a chance to go to marriage counseling, and I am speaking only to the males here, FOR GOD'S SAKE, IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, DO. NOT. GO.

On an unrelated but certainly happier note, my father was told to vacate the hospital post haste today.  An order he gladly complied with!  Thanks to my sister and that guy she married for making that happen.


  1. So. Is everything the same as it has been over the last week as far as living together? I saw when I got home that you called my cell. I was at my sis' pool with the children and didn't hear the phone ring. Here's the thing...I was tempted to call you back, but then I never know when it is safe to call you! Even if I sent a text to say I was home and receiving, it would show up on the phone and I am askeered to do that. So I guess just call when you are free and I will hope I am home or at least inside.
    I know this is going to come to a head one way or another, but I do miss our little talks to fill me in. Scarlett says it seems better than it was a few days ago, so I assume you are getting along? Hinges contacted me to say she was going on her trip today and wondering if I heard anything new. Which I had not.
    Okay well call when you can. Glad the man is home. I forget everyone's name.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agggggghhh!!!!!!! F)c&k

    3. Bad glass of wine?

    4. No, no damned wine. Probably why I didn't say what I wanted to say. I love you. There, that's what I wanted to say. 🙃
