Monday, September 4, 2017

End of Summer

Well that didn't last long.  Now Scarlett is NOT keeping the house.  I'm shocked I tell you, just SHOCKED!  And I'm not gay either.  Phew!  That's a load off my mind!  Nothing worse than being some gay homeless man.  I so prefer being a hetero homeowner.  Yay for me!

I guess Scarlett's stamina for hardball just isn't what it used to be.  Though I hadn't even begun to play yet.  She just exhausted herself. I like that in an opponent.  Saves me so much time, work and effort.  But as usual, it's a mystery to me how I "won" this round.  But I'll take it!

And so summer officially ends today here at Fog Beach and the surrounding area.  The tourists disappear, the residents get to reclaim their sand, cities, streets, restaurants, bars, theaters and stores.  I never like to see them (the tourists) come, kind of like locusts, but I do enjoy seeing them leave.  Life should start returning to a more normal pace, whatever normal is, the constant vacation that my attorney seemed to be on should end and maybe this divorce can start inching forward.

I am under no illusion that this will be a quick process.  Something I have tried desperately to get Scarlett to understand but.......well, let's just say that too is a work in progress.

And with that, I bid you all a happy Marx/Lenin day.  Workers of the world - get back to work!  We're not paying you to read blogs, stare at your stupid smart phone, play mindless games or stand there with your thumb stuck up your arse waiting for direction.

Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself?

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