Sunday, February 25, 2018

Rambling thoughts

So.   Salty and Scarlett are still wedded but depending on the court system, that should be ending in the next few weeks.  There have been a number of things in this unwinding that I've been told are rare and uncommon.  Those primarily concern my forbearance as regards Scarlett and some of her acting out.  And the rare and uncommon will likely continue for some unknown period of time.

Scarlett is wholly unprepared for what I know lies ahead of her.  And sometimes I am forced to wonder if she will ever be able to fully function as a reasonable and rational individual.  In light of that, I cannot in good conscience leave her to her own devices.  I can not and will not be there 24/7 to save her from herself, she has a lot of her own mistakes yet to make (and hopefully learn from) and I am not going to deprive her of those experiences.  I realize that sounds a bit snarky but that is not at all how it is meant.

I will be available to her to provide advice and counsel (when asked) as well as to provide my opinions, also only when asked.

Training wheels come to mind here.

For most of her life, Scarlett has been riding around on a tricycle.  That tricycle is gone and she needs to move up to a two wheeler.  And just like the rest of us, that requires the use of training wheels while she develops her sense of balance, learns how to turn, steer and brake.

Normally I like projects.  This one though....might be fun.  If she will listen, learn and apply.  Past experience does not fill me with a whole lot of hope in that regard but for the time being it is what it is.


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